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Welcome to the Anarchy Online Test Server! (Testlive)

Current version

- What's New

Fixin' sploits

- How to re-duplicate your Test Live client:

1. Ensure that your Live game client is patched up to the latest version. This is done by simply checking that you can log-in to the live servers.
2. Ensure that Anarchy Online is not running
3. Open the duplicator program:
4. The first field will say Testerver, this is the only option.
5. Select the Anarchy Online Directory from your local drive in the second field by clicking on the ... button.
6. Select a location where you want to place the copy of the game files on your local drive in the third field down by clicking on the ... button
7. Once you have selected the correct locations hit the Duplicate button. This will then start to copy the files. Please note this may take some minutes depending on the specifications of your computer.
8. Once the copy is complete you can open the new copied directory and run the anarchy.exe that will connect you to the test server.
9. You can log into Test Live with your normal account details. You may need to create a new character.

Visit the forum today! Handy information can usually be found on the Anarchy Online forums.